5 Reasons Why You Need to Watch Netflix’s ‘Elite’

Dr Paras
11 min readNov 16, 2022

The cultural and social shifts that the present generation of Millenials and Gen Z are introducing to the world.


Netflix is an entertainment bomb and I can’t even deny the fact that the platform has been showcasing some of the best shows exclusively produced and released on the platform and Elite is one of them.

Elite, even with its heavily Spanish influence, is connected with the audience globally, thanks to the portrayal of the realistic cultural evolution, social relationships, and familial conflicts that are often sugar-coated in most modern-day web series. It manages to explore the cultural and social shifts that the present generation of Millenials and Gen Z are introducing to the world.

If I had to describe the show in three words, it would be mystery, drama, and entertainment filled to the brim. The show is captivating for reasons that you wouldn’t even expect. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely a “teenage drama” but it’s like an onion whose layers come off one after the other, leaving you with your mouth open and mind blown.

Take it from me, someone who’s into web series and likes exploring different genres of shows, Elite is one of the few web series that I can go back and rewatch, despite knowing who is responsible for Marina’s death that kicks off the first season of the show.

The first look at Elite makes you think that it’s a staple murder mystery with a splash of teenage drama but that’s not the case as you delve deeper into the web of episodes.

I’ll share a few of my takeaways about Elite and why I think you should watch it too — WITHOUT A SECOND THOUGHT.

An Interesting Storyline

Before I delve deeper into the factors that hooked me up with this show, let us start with the storyline. It’s unhinged, raw but at the same time, so twisted that you’d be on the edge of the seat, waiting for the curtain to drop and the glass to break.

But, what’s typically the essence of this show is the realism of portrayal. Nothing in the characters or the episodes is molded to make them “trendy”. Instead, the episodes manage to portray situations and the characters the way a teenager would be. Each episode leaves you with a head scratch, making you wonder, “Why did this happen?”

However, as you progress to the next episode, you are awarded all the clarifications, which is quite refreshing since many web series often forget to tie the loose ends.

Putting that on the sidelines, there are a few other factors that should give you an idea of why I am consistently emphasizing watching this show.


# 1 The Cultural Representation

Very rarely will you come across web series that are bold and not uncomfortable to explore ideas that are necessary to talk about. Elite manages to outshine in that category too.

Do you remember your school days when all you wanted was to fit in? The constant urge to please everyone around you because you thought that would get you a place in one of the peer groups?

Well, that is a representation that’s explored intricately in the web series. By the time I was at the end of season one, it reminded me of this quote that I read “We’ve become conditioned to compromise and shrink ourselves in order to be liked. The problem is, when you work so hard to get everyone to like you, you very often end up not liking yourself so much.” It’s a quote from the book Brave, Not Perfect: Fear Less, Fail More, and Live Bolder by Reshma Saujani.

With the graduation of each episode, you find that inclusivity brings a lot of self-acceptance. It makes you feel loved, wanted, and valued, which you can witness through pivotal characters like Nadia, Christian, and Samuel.

The show also manages to explore the bridge that differentiates class — the rich and the not-so-rich people in the world. Even though we co-exist, there is a differentiation that is persistent and will likely persist in the future as well.

When I talk about discussing sensitive topics with caution on the show, I mean it. The way they have depicted the impacts of drugs, alcohol, unwarranted partying, and mindless hookup culture, in the show is marvelous. The best part about the portrayal is that it’s realistic. Even though we like to cocoon ourselves into thinking of the “best” or good in a situation, there is nothing good when it comes to abusing drugs and alcohol.

It is a poison that festers as a wound into the body, eating it away — one part at a time. It affects rational thinking, fosters dependency, and induces feelings of rage and resentment that are portrayed with utmost care yet in reality in the show.

Another standout takeaway from the show that was like a breath of fresh air was including a protagonist with HIV+. Not many web series and shows on the internet touch on the topic, which is one of the reasons why there is so much taboo and stigma surrounding discussions about HIV. But, instead of making the character acquire pity for themselves or being shunned by society, the writers have managed to represent it in a world as it should — as something normal. It’s not overly glorified or made into the “primary” story of the character. There’s more to the individual layers and that’s something I was very appreciative of.

#2 The LGBTQIA+ Representation

Queer representation in Elite was another facet of the story that made it shine. We often find queer representation in shows that are either “very simple” or “very tragic”. Elite takes a blend of both and adds in a heavy dose of internalized homophobia, something that many queer individuals struggle with on a regular basis.

The constant self-aggression, the need to be away, and the denial are well portrayed via the queer characters in the show. Without giving much away, let me just tell you that if you are a queer person or part of the LGBTQIA+ community, you will feel heard and validated with the positive reinforcements in the show.

In a world where we live with unaccepting parental figures, aggressive friendships, and toxic relationships in the queer culture, Elite gives you a ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. Mind you, the journey to that end of the tunnel might be long and twisted but it’s there and that’s what matters in the end.

Another element of the LGBTQIA+ representation that’s well highlighted in the show is the importance of exploring one’s sexuality. Like gender, sexuality is a spectrum. And, unlike the previous or older generation, the millennials and Gen Zs are prioritizing exploring their sexuality to understand it better.

Does it mean it involves casual sex, unhinged hook-ups, and no regard for feelings? Absolutely not. Instead, it explores who they connect well with. It also enables the present generation to understand their bodies better, understand their kinks and fetishes, and the things they like in bed.

This kind of openness is creating a clearer path for clear and open discussions about sexuality, sexual preferences, kinks, fetishes, gender, etc., which has been a stigma and a taboo topic in most of the older generations. Open exploration and discussion pertaining to sexuality will also open avenues of clear communication in the future, which is always a bonus.

#3 Constraints of Family Beliefs and Social Class

Although I have touched on the topic briefly, this needs to be addressed further in a more elaborate way.

If you watch all the seasons of the show, you will realize that the character of Nadia, played by Mina El Hammani explores a lot of social factors that you wouldn’t expect in a “high school teenage drama”.

This is one of the reasons why I have been saying that Elite is more than the drama and mystery that unfolds. The intricacies and individual layers in the plot are educational, informative, and aligned to the true nature of the character’s social and religious beliefs.

Witnessing the family beliefs through Nadia and Omar in the show is representative of a culture that I am sure many Asians would relate to. Unlike the fast-paced and open-minded western culture where we have chill families and outgoing parents, things aren’t as loose-ended (at least always) when it comes to brown or Asian parents.

Family values and social class representation are accurate and to a degree, very realistically handled. It depicts the struggles but at the same time, it depicts the other side of the social class, where overcoming the “financial barrier” leads to beautiful friendships and relationships.

The beauty of this show lies in character development. The writers have managed to give screen time and importance to each character, allowing them to grow, flourish and find their place in the show and that’s something I was very attuned to watching.

#4 The Disconnect Between Parenting — Then and Now!

Parents are becoming more accepting, open to suggestions, and curious about learning new topics. But, is the shift drastic and impactful? Are all the millennials and Gen Zs as open with their parents as we expect?

The answer is No and Elite explores this topic quite well. Despite the openness and the understanding nature, even today’s parents have a disconnect with the children that’s evident from Guzman and Marina and their parents to Carla and Polo and their parents.

Not just the “rich” and “high social status” parents, the disconnect and difference in opinions and purview of the world is evident in the working class parents, as in the case of Nadia.

Despite it being just a show and a fictional take on characters, we need to realize that issues concerning parenting are a prevalent real-world issue that persists to this day. Most parents, even today, fail to acknowledge the true needs of their child/children, especially when it comes to their mental health, changing personalities, and their true selves.

And, the question is, “Why is there such a prevalence of disconnected parenting even today?” Will it change as more and more millennials become parents? Or, will this cycle continue even when the current generation becomes parents themselves?

The lack of communication and understanding goes to show how important coaching is in such situations. Not for understanding their children, coaching helps with self-introspection. It allows parents to view things with an open mind and with inputs from a fresh perspective.

Coaching has the potential to bridge that disconnect in parenting and can help parents connect with their children in a more intimate way (psychologically!).

#5 The Shift in Chosen Confidants

If you look into our older generations, you will realize that more than friends, our true loyalty was to our parents and family. We preferred discussing our shortcomings, our struggles, and our personal battles with our parents for their guidance.

But, that’s not to say that the current generation doesn’t love or respect their family and parents. The outlook is on choosing friendship as a new support system during adversary.

With millennials and Gen Z and maybe with the upcoming generation too, there has been a tangible shift. Instead of parents, the current generation prefers their friends as their confidants.

But, why?

Well, the main reason is understanding nature. But, more than that, the current generation often finds it easier to confide in their friends because they are more accepting, compassionate, and more likely to assess the situation instead of dismissing it straight away.

Millennials are also more accepting in terms of unconventional situations, especially concerning sexualities, gender discussions, mental health, etc., which can be a little difficult to open up about to their parents.

Not just for the “happy” moments, the current generation is also relying on their friends for support during times of adversity. The emotions of “I have got your back” even when families aren’t supportive of certain choices and decisions are taking a front seat in the current generation and will further emulate in the future generations too.

All seasons talked about friendship a new system that gets created during adversary — new culture is evolving from the social quotient.

Final Takeaway

Well, if it wasn’t a giveaway by now, I’d highly urge you to watch Elite if you haven’t already. Not just for the drama or the mystery but the intricate detailing of the cultural representation, the ever-changing societal expectations, and the constant attention to detail in the show were refreshing.

As a coach, you always look from a perspective of “What if their choices were different?” Will things pan out in a better way? And, so it wasn’t even a question that I was continually thinking about “What if these kids got the guidance and help they needed?”

Even with the string of “what ifs”, I feel like Elite has managed to hold up the true essence of teenage life, where you make mistakes, learn from them, explore your true self and sometimes experience the repercussions of poor choices in life. All of this is interlinked and I’d have to appraise the show for that.

If you watch the show and relate to the characters, I’d highly recommend that you take charge of things in your life before they get out of control. Why not consider life-leadership coaching to retrace the lost steps in your life?

For more information, visit www.coachdrparas.com/contact.

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Dr Paras

As a Life Coach, I dream of inspiring, empowering, and transforming every individual on this Earth.